Woodbridge, ON – June 14, 2017 – Hospice Vaughan has signed a lease agreement with Toronto and Region Conservation, (TRCA), for use of approximately 1.1 hectares (2.8 acres) of TRCA land on Islington Avenue, north of Rutherford Road, in the City of Vaughan. Devoted to helping our residents live fully until they die, Hospice Vaughan is opening the door to a better future and filling an urgent need in our community by building a new Centre of Excellence for Palliative and Hospice Care.
Our new state-of-the art facility will provide a comfortable and compassionate environment for people with life limiting illnesses who need physical, emotional and spiritual end-of-life care and for their families who also deserve support in their time of need and grief.
Slated to open in 2019, features of the new Hospice Vaughan will include:
• A 10-bed residential hospice for end-of-life care, serving more than 200 people annually (one-quarter of current deaths in Vaughan)
• Enhanced hospice day programs
• Visiting hospice services
• Family support and bereavement services
• Facilities to conduct research and educate healthcare professionals on palliative care best practices
“We take pride in not only caring for our watersheds, but also the people who live in them,” Brian Denney, CEO, Toronto and Region Conservation said. “The creation of a facility that specializes in compassionate end of life care — the kind Hospice Vaughan provides, is vital and we are privileged to partner with this organization to make this possible.”
“On behalf of the Hospice Vaughan Board of Directors, Executive Director, Staff, Volunteers, and Clients I would like to express sincere gratitude to TRCA for providing this land and supporting our vision. The signing of this lease agreement is an important milestone in our journey to transform end-of-life care in Vaughan” – Maria Castro, President of the Board of Directors, Hospice Vaughan.
About Hospice Vaughan — Since 1995, Hospice Vaughan – a charitable organization – has been providing compassionate support to persons of all ages, their families and friends, coping with a life limiting illness or dealing with the loss of a loved one. Our trained staff and volunteers work with caregivers, community agencies and health care professionals, to offer services in the community and at our Woodbridge Centre. www.hospicevaughan.com
About Toronto and Region Conservation — With 60 years of experience, Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA) helps people understand, enjoy and look-after the natural environment. Our vision is for The Living City®, where human settlement can flourish forever as part of nature’s beauty and diversity. For more information, call 416-661-6600 or visit us at www.trca.on.ca
For more information contact:
Cathy Diamond, Dir of Marketing, Hospice Vaughan
905-850-6266 Ext. 202
Elizabeth Oakley, Media Manager, TRCA
(416) 274-2036